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Showing posts with label tadika. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tadika. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2012

More on teaching children hifz

وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِنْ مُدَّكِرٍ

"And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy to remembrance, so is there any who will remember?"
(Surah Al-Qamar, 54:17)
First of all, I want to share my experience in teaching the kids to memorize Al Quran. Insha Allah, the kids will love to read and learn more about Al Quran.
I am sure that everyone has different way of teaching the kids. I am not expert on this, but I would like to share it with others what I have been teaching for my kids and the others kids who come to my house. We know that each kid is special and different. Some kids can learn faster than other. For the kids who are not Arabic speaking is not easy to learn and memorize Al Quran.
For my kids, Arabic is their second language after English.
'Aisha radi-Allahu anha reported that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:"A person who recites the Qur'an, and reads it fluently, will be in the company of the obedient and noble angels, and he who reads the Qur'an haltingly and with difficulty will have a double recompense." [sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim].

I think, it is One of the miracle of Quran that we, including the kids, can memorize Book of Allah, Al Quran. I never heard people can memorize other than Al Quran.

We, as parent, has the responsibility to teach our kids. If we can not teach them, you have to find the teacher for them to learn. 
At home, you should ask your kids to read Al Quran together. We always read Al Quran at night or in the morning. Sometimes, we learn together the meaning of the surah that we have been read. Alhamdulillah, the kids can khattam/finish reading Al Quran at least twice in one year. We want our kids love reading and learning Al Quran. And I want your kids, too. Insha Allah.

The mercy of Allah descends upon a house in which the Holy Qur'an is being recited and the angels of Allah enter that house to listen to the recitation of the Holy Qur'an. (reported by Abu Hurairah)

I will try to answer some questions below that my friends asked to me.

May Allah help us in teaching our kids. Ameen.

What, When, Where, and How to memorize Al Quran

I. What

What are the surahs that the kids need to memorize first?
The kids only want to memorize the short and easy surah for the first time, such as surah Al Fatihah and the last ten surah of Juz Amma (Surah An Nas, surah Al Falaq, surah Al Ikhlas, surah Al Lahab, surah An Nashr, surah Al Kafirun, surah Al Kawthar, Surah Al Maun, surah Quraish, ans surah Al Fil).

What are the books that we can use to teach the kids to read the Arabic?
There are several books that you can use to teach the kids learn to read the Arabic letters, such as:
1. Iqro 1-6 (from Indonesia) 
2. Qaaidatun Noor (from Pakistan) 
3. Kur'an Lisani Elifbasi (from Turkey). I like this book very much. 
4. Others that you can find in Islamic Bookstores and Online Resources.
II. When 
When do the kids start to memorize Al Quran?
You should start teaching to memorize the surah in young age (before 5) at least the kids know that surah by hearth and recognize the Arabic Alphabets.
Just think of it, when the kids start to memorize the ABC songs, the kids should memorize the Arabic Alphabets and some short surahs, too.

When is the good time for the kids to memorize?
I think it depends on the situation. But Most of the time, the good time to memorize is in the morning and before going to bed.

III. Where
Where is the best place to learn?
In Masjid or at Home.
It is good if you can find teacher who can teach the kids everyday including Sunday or Saturday. The kids need support from their parent at home to memorize Al Quran.
You should always review their memorization.
Remember that the best teacher for the kids is their own parent.
If you can not find the teacher, you can do it yourself at home. If you need help you can find it the resources online. If you are not memorizing yet, you should memorize the surah first before teaching the kids.
IV. How 
How can we help the kids to memorize Al Quran?
It depends on the abilities of the kids.
1. The kids who can not read Arabic yet.
For age 3-6

If the kids do not know how to read then you should say the ayah clearly to them. You should do it many times around 10 to 15 times or more.
Try not to continue to the next ayah if the kids do not memorize the ayah that you just say it.
Keep focus on one ayah.
When they memorize the ayah, then you start teach them the meaning of that ayah. You can explain the meaning using their surrounding in their daily life in school or in house.

For age 6 and Up

If the kids just start to learn to read the Arabic, then let them read the transliteration Quran to help them faster in memorizing the Quran.
But don't forget once a while let them to read from Al Quran to memorize their surah. To let them get used to it the Arabic one.

2. The kids who can read Arabic very well.
For age 6 and Up

It is easy to memorize when the kids knew how to read the Arabic.
They will read Al Quran and memorize by themself. Our job is only to review when they finish memorize the surah.

How many ayah per day do the kids memorize?
Everyday I ask them to memorize at least one ayah, if they are doing well, I want them to do 2-3 more ayahs or maybe more.
For the kids who can read Arabic very well, they will do it at least one page a day. Yes, one page or more per day. 
On the weekend, I ask the parents to review their kids memorization and I ask the kids to use the surah in their sholat.


Some suggestions that are good to remember are as following:

- the kids are easy to memorize and easy to forget. Please always review their memorization.
- each kid is special and different.
- learning Al Quran is about learning the manner/adab, too.
- learning is long process.
- memorizing Al Quran needs patient and alot of practices.
- you should give the kids special rewards each time they memorize one surah or one Juz.
- the Quran Memorization Contest is good to encourage the kids to learn more and more. 

May Allah give you reward for helping the kids to learn and memorize Al Quran. Ameen.

Links that are useful to help memorizing and learning Al Quran:
1. Download/Listen MP3 Quran
You choose the Reciters from A-Z.
2. Rules of Recitation
3. Quran Transliteration
4. Qaaidatun Noor" Learn Arabic Quran
5. Quranic Sciences Institute: Quran Reciter/Memorizer
6. As-Sidq: Durusul Quran (Lessons of Quran) 
7. Learn Quranic Arabic
8. Useful links Quran and Hadiths
9. Teaching Arabic Quran
10. Online Quran Reciter 
11. Imaanstar: Juz 30
12. About Tajweed
13. An Index to Quran
14. Learn to read Quran in 10 lessons
15. Principles of Tafsir of the Quran
16. Quran Links
17. Quran Recitation Page
18. Rules of Memorizing Quran
19. Schedule for Memorizing Juz Ammah
20. Schedule for Memorizing Juz Tabaraak
21. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
22. Tajweed Guide in Arabic
23. The Quran & Modern Science
24. Understand the Quran the easy way
25. Quranic Science
26. Quranic Phonetic Exerciser
27. Memorizing Quran
28. Audio Islam
29. Recitors list

To watch the videos:
1. Children read Al Quran beautifully

Some Articles to read:
1. Learn Knowledge of The Noble Quran
2. Learn some short surah from Al Quran
3. The language of Islam: The Important of Learning Arabic. 
The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever eats onions, garlic or leeks, let him
not approach our mosque, for the angels are annoyed
by the same things that annoy the sons of Adam.”
(Reported by Muslim)
For Islamic Studies, I would like to review about basic of Islam.
Alot of the kids do not remember what Islam is.

I. Five Pillars of Islam.
1. Saying Sahadah. 2. Sholat. 3. Zakat. 4. Sawm/Fasting in Ramadhan. 5. Hajj .
II. Principles of Belief in Islam:
1. Belief in Allah. 2. Belief in Angel. 3. Belief in Books of Allah. 4. Belief in Messengers of Allah. 5. Belief in Qadr. 6. Belief in Akhirah.

Something to read are:
1. The Five Pillars of Islam
2. Principles of Islam

To watch the videos:
1. Islam is based on Five Pillars - by a small Child2. Pillars of Islam for Kids (1) 
3. 5 Pillars in Islam 
4. 5 Pillars of Islam 
5. Pillars of Islam 
6. Principles and Pillars Of Islam

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Educational youtube links from 'Mudah Hafal Quran' mailing list

1- Al-quran utk kanak2
2- Membaca Iqra'
3- Membaca Bahasa Inggeris dan vocab
4- Belajar Bahasa Arab

5- Membaca Bahasa Melayu
6- Doa2 harian
7- Kartun2 arab

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Congratulations Asma' for making it on the first Ramadhan!

Alhamdulillah Asma' impressed us yesterday (1 Ramadhan 1432H) by fasting successfully! This was the first time she fast and her age currently is 5 month 9 months, but she really made it!

Thanks to her Kindergarten teachers (TKB) for giving lots of information regarding soum and Ramadhan and motivate the children towards it.

Asma' told us about a sketch drama made by the teachers on the topic of sahur and breaking fast. Only she forgot to tell us about the ´Ramadhan bank´ project where children are encouraged to donate a small amount of their pocket money into a tabung. (These were part of the childrens' annual activity - Hari Sambutan Ramadhan, on the last Friday before Ramadhan)

Today I want to print a few things for the children related to Ramadhan. Hopefully I can successfully implement them. Here are the links 


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Asma's TKB monthly Report

Asma' is excellent in reading.
What I can help:
- reading: help her to read in better intonation, and help her with English reading.
- writing and calculating: help her to be able to withstand more exercises.
- tahfiz: help her to recite correctly based on what she can read.
- Arabic: here she needs help the most!
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tadika Khalifah Bestari's Sports Day 2011 & BBB Taekwondo grading

Stadium GMI, Sun 24/4/11

Rumah biru Asma' dapat naib juara. Asma' bermain dalam acara Girls' Tahap 2 - String my shoe dan Sack Race. Senamrobik Asma' di depan sekali tepi sekali, pakai tudung merah.

Dewan Seksyen 2 BBB, Sat 23/4/11

Asma' dapat juga naik ke yellow belt

Monday, November 15, 2010

Asma's parent-meet-teacher day

Perasaan saya mungkin tidak sama dengan ibubapa lain. Ada perasaan tidak sedap sebenarnya di dalam hati ini.

Perasaan terkilan sebenarnya muncul dalam 2 bulan lepas, apabila Asma' diberi homework yg mesti dipulangkan esoknya. 2 mukasurat latihan tambah nombor puluh dlm bentuk lazim. Selepas mengajar Asma' serba sedikit, Asma' melaksanakan latihan itu dengan penuh yakin sendirian (terpaksa biarkan Asma' buat sorang utk settlekan sedikit kerja rumah), tak sampai hati nak beritahu Asma' yg hampir kesemua jawapannya itu salah. Esoknya saya beritahu cikgu yg Asma' di tadika lama belum belajar sampai silibus itu. Cikgu pula menjelaskan yg silibus itu mmg menurut silibus tadika yg disediakan oleh kementerian pelajaran.

2 minggu lepas, rasa tak best lagi bila cikgu memberitahu yg minggu berikutnya ialah exam week. Jadual peperiksaan diberi, 10 subjek utk periksa selama 5 hari. Cikgu memberitahu yg buku teks Sains dibawa balik supaya boleh ulangkaji di rumah. "Baca buku ni, semua soalan exam ada dalam buku ni.", kata cikgu. Cikgu memberitahu bahawa murid2 sudah dipesan supaya ulangkaji di rumah supaya bila periksa boleh dapat nombor 1 pastu dapat hadiah. Asma' pun dgn bersemangat bercerita bahawa dia nak belajar di rumah supaya boleh periksa dan dapat nombor satu. Uh, nampaknya cikgu2 tadika sudah menanam exam-oriented mind kepada budak2 ini.

Sebenarnya saya tidak melaksanakan pesanan cikgu. Di rumah, sy biarkan Asma' baca buku apa yg dia mahu. Sy review juga buku teks sains, tapi bukan utk mengingatkannya ttg exam, sekadar nak menceritakan content buku itu saja sebagai pengetahuannya.

Saya sebenarnya rasa agak kecewa, bukan kerana result Asma' yg tertulis dlm report card. Sesungguhnya gred-gred yg diberi tidak sama sekali menggambarkan potensi pelajar tadika itu. Selain dr gred yg terekod, secara lisan cikgu2 beritahu yg Asma' mmg bagus dlm bacaan BM dan qiraati.

Asma' berpotensi tinggi, itu yg kami semua percaya. Asma' mampu memberikan kami kejutan melalui soalan-soalannya. Asma' mampu membuat kami surprise dgn lukisannya yg original. Asma' mampu menulis sendiri perkataan2 yg mahu dia tulis. Asma' yg belum menyambut hari lahirnya yg ke-5 itu juga sudah mampu membaca buku kanak2 BM, dan tulisan2 yg besar pd label/bungkusan barang dan papan tanda. Itu semua terlepas dari ujian peringkat tadika.

Tidak sama sekali bermaksud utk mengutuk tadika tempat Asma' belajar. Cuma melepaskan sedikit kekecewaan dgn sistem pendidikan global dan kebangsaan zaman kapitalisme kini yg menumpukan kpd menyediakan anak2 dgn menyumbat mereka dgn ilmu dan literasi sebanyak mungkin. Bagaimana pula menyediakan potensi anak utk mengembangkan mindanya supaya mampu berfikir kreatif dan mempunyai kesedaran yg jernih? Mungkin ini perkara yg terlepas dari silibus kementerian pelajaran?

Pun begitu, hari bertemu guru itu tetap penting utk kami. Sebab kami perlu feedback tentang bagaimana Asma' semasa dia di luar kawalan kami. Adakah Asma' tersangat2 manja spt di rumah? Oh rupanya di tadika Asma' mmg sangat berdikari dan tidak manja. Jadi kenapa Asma' manja sgt di rumah ya sayang? Apa silap mak dekat Asma' ye?Kat tadika rupanya Asma' budak yg tak memilh masa makan, dan makan dgn sopan. Hmm kenapa di rumah lain ya?

Selain itu, seperti pada masa2 lain, Asma' selalu buat saya termenung..
tentang kurangnya saya menyediakan anak2 pd jiwa mereka, ruh mereka..

terkedu sebentar tadi menonton video anak muda yg mempunyai masalah mental tapi mampu menghafaz 23 juzu' alQuran dengan amat2 baik! Ya Allah apalah usahaku sebagai ibu..

Moga Allah terus berikan kami peluang utk mendidik anak cemerlang. Amin.